
labelled antibody中文是什么意思

  • 标记抗体



  • 例句与用法
  • Each bead is coated with fluorescently labeled antibodies that bind to a particular microbe
  • Labeled antibodies that have not docked to the sample tumble about so rapidly in solution that they give off no magnetic signal
  • The capture of the labeled antibody ? analyte complex for signal generation can be achieved with the antibody immobilized in a defined area of nitrocellulose membrane as mentioned
  • In determining the optimal concentration of each antibody , we have used a strategy in which the capture antibody is first immobilized at a particular density on the predetermined site of membrane , and the labeled antibody is then varied to retain a maximum signal - to - noise ratio
  • It was proved that the amount of immobilized antibody and the immunoactivity of bound antibodies could be well improved by colloidal au . hrp labeled antibody reacted with antigen , then hrp biocatalyzed dab ( 3 , 3 ’ - diaminobenzidine ) in the presence of h _ 2o _ 2 , resulting in an insoluble product onto the electrode surface , to achieve an obviously decreased frequency
    在h _ 2o _ 2存在下,通过标记在抗人igg抗体上的辣根过氧化物酶( hrp )催化底物3 , 3 ’ -联苯二胺( dab ) ,反应生成不溶性产物沉积到石英晶振的au电极表面,达到质量放大的目的。
  • Methods according to theory of specific binding of antigen and antibody , at first the anti - a monoclonal antibody ( ma ) and anti - bma were labeled with the fluorescent , then fluorescent - labeled antibodies ( fla ) were bound with corresponding biological material ( such as bloodstain ) in the optimum condition , finally the abo blood type of bloodstain was determined under microscope fluorescent
    方法根据抗原抗体特异性结合的原理,首先对抗a 、抗b单克隆抗体进行荧光标记,然后使荧光标记抗体与相应抗原(血痕)在最佳条件下结合,最后荧光显微镜镜检,判定血痕的血型。
  • The who classification states that acute lymphocytic leukemia ( all ) should be classified by the pattern of reactivity of cell to a panel of lineage - associated antibodies and , where possible , genetic abnormalities . the expression of cd antigens on leukocytes is currently determined by flow cytimertry , which is expensive and labor - intensive , requiring 5 - 20ul quantities of fluores - cently labeled antibodies and allowing concurrent analysis for a limited number of cd antigens , usually three to four . from clinical point of view , an efficient method is required for analysis of a large number of samples in a single experiment
  • 推荐英语阅读
labelled antibody的中文翻译,labelled antibody是什么意思,怎么用汉语翻译labelled antibody,labelled antibody的中文意思,labelled antibody的中文labelled antibody in Chineselabelled antibody的中文labelled antibody怎么读,发音,例句,用法和解释由查查在线词典提供,版权所有违者必究。
